Our Blog

Learn more about our design, lookbooks, body tips, campaigns and all things behind-the-scenes.

Dressing for yourself with Winnie Ng

Your choice of clothing is a way of life. You can’t choose life, but you can choose what to wear to make you a better and happier person. We should...

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From Bodies to Movements with Valerie Dance Choreography

 Annibody x Valerie Dance Choreography  A collaboration with choreographer and dancer @vallui, who created this dance piece to celebrate our first-ever activewear collection “SPROUTING”.  Balance. Soft Beats. A Celebration. The...

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My Body My Story with Aanchal and Nicola

“Beauty Comes From Within” —We are back with another episode of "My Body My Story" with our two special guests, co-founders of STAGE Management @wearestagemodel, Aanchal Wadhwani and Nicola Lines...

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Different Types of Breast Shapes

Looking in the mirror, have you ever felt insecure about how your body looks? “Are my breasts different from others?” “Compared to other girls, are my breasts too small?” “Is...

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My Body My Story with Siobhan Dumigan

“If your body could talk right now, what do you think it would say?” “I think it would say thank you. Thank you for trying to be balanced every single...

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My Body My Story with Crystal Au Yeung

Our Interview with Crystal (@auyeungching), a full-time lawyer and Hong Kong Muay Thai Gym—Kru Muay Thai owner, is all about her self-love journey in overcoming criticisms and challenging gender bias with...

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My Body My Story with Kelsey Tangel

Our interview with Kelsey (@kelseytangel), who is now an acupuncture doctor in Chinese Medicine and yoga instructor, documented her thoughts on how anyone can have a balanced and healthy lifestyle...

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9-15 of 15 articles