Our Blog

Learn more about our design, lookbooks, body tips, campaigns and all things behind-the-scenes.

Feature Article: Recruit HK

What does self-love mean? Generally speaking, it is all about taking care of your needs without sacrificing your well-being for others, knowing what you deserve and fight for it. It...

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Interview with Founder —HSBC VisionGo

Our founder and creative director, Tina is interviewed by HSBC VisionGo, sharing the self-love journey of annibody— it's all about her brand vision, her love for bodysuits, and the uneasy...

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Stretching in Bodysuits with Coffee Lam

Do you have a stiff neck and shoulder? Does your work involve lots of staring and gazing into computers and phones? When the pressure adds up over time, your body...

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Feature Article: Cosmopolitan HK

Bodysuits are getting popular all over the world due to its versatility and convenience offered to styling. Recently our bodysuits and Lily Nipple Covers are featured on Cosmopolitan HK.

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Feature Article: POPBEE

A nice piece of clothing can be your life-long friend that accompanies you through every important event in your life. Annibody is ready to embark the body-loving journey with you....

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